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Jon Mason

Jon Mason

Jon Mason

Student Welfare Adviser (Wednesday only)
T: (Wednesday) 01273 523340
Location: AE.107, Audrey Emerton Building

Overview of responsibilities: Listening and advice for students, regarding pastoral support issues. Includes signposting to relevant services, and advice/assistance regarding processes such as additional consideration, learning support plans and academic appeals. Project and policy work to support and enhance student wellbeing in the School and Universities.

Areas of expertise: Pastoral support; School/Uni processes relating to student wellbeing; communication and outreach regarding student wellbeing; IT systems used by Student Support team.



Jon joined BSMS’ team of welfare advisers in 2009. He has previously worked in student welfare roles at both Brighton and Sussex Universities, and the field of student wellbeing and student representation has been close to his heart since his undergrad days at Bangor University. Personal knowledge of the curves life can throw at you (including mental health issues, disability support, landlord problems, and supporting others through crises) have given Jon experience of the varied ways these can affect people and the range of services available. He enjoys the opportunities BSMS offers to continually develop and enhance support for students.

Outside work, Jon is a professional storyteller, keen historian, writer and musician. He undertook a MA Contemporary History at the University of Sussex in 2011-13, and began a PhD at the University of Brighton in 2020. He lives in Brighton with his wife and two children.