Course overview
The overall aim of the course is to promote knowledge of, and research into, learning, teaching and communication in a clinical context, together with facilitating a reflective awareness of participants’ related skills and their ongoing development. The course allows candidates to progress from initial PGCert level to PGDip and MSc levelq ualifications. The Diploma route will normally take a year, while progression to the Masters degree entails completion of an in-depth research project, normally taking a further year.
This course is flexible in that it offers two entry routes, choices for modular study and appropriate academic targets.
Those who have already completed either the BSMS Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education (or equivalent, if APL requested) or the BSMS Postgraduate Certificate in Simulation Studies, may enter at Postgraduate Diploma Level. These participants would then successfully complete a further three 20-credit optional modules to achieve a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Education (120 M level credits). Normally these modules would be completed part-time within one academic year.
Participants wishing to progress to Masters level must include Module MDM 10 ‘Research Methods & Critical Appraisal’ in their choice of three.
A 12,000-word dissertation (as well as an academic poster for publication) in the academic field of clinical education completes the Master of Science degree (180 M level credits). This would normally be completed in a further year, but some students with busy NHS jobs find it can take up to two years to complete.