Selected publications
Cost-effectiveness and social outcomes of a community-based treatment for podoconiosis lymphoedema in the East Gojjam zone, Ethiopia. Hounsome N, Kassahun MK, Ngari M, Berkley JA, Kivaya E, Njuguna P, Fegan G, Tamiru A, Kelemework A, Amberbir T, Clarke A, Lang T, Newport MJ, McKay A, Enquoselassie F, Davey G. PLoS NTD (accepted Sept 2019)
Depressive symptoms amongst people with podoconiosis and lower limb lymphoedema of other cause in Cameroon: A cross-sectional study. Semrau M, Davey G, Beng AA, Ndongmo WPC, Njouendou AJ, Wanji S, Deribe K. Trop Med Inf Dis (accepted June 2019)
Frédérique Bone, Michael M. Hopkins, Ismael Ràfols, Jordi Molas-Gallart, Puay Tang, Gail Davey and Antony M. Carr (2019). DARE to be Different? Applying Diversity Heuristics to the Analysis of Collaborative Research. SPRU Working Paper Series (SWPS), 2019-09: 1-31. ISSN 2057-6668. (June 2019).
The impact of acute adenolymphangitis in podoconiosis on caregivers: a case study in Wayu Tuka woreda, Oromia, Western Ethiopia. ‘If she was healthy, I would be free.’ Philips CL, Samuel A, Tiruneh G, Deribe K, Davey G. PLoS NTD (accepted May 2019).
Geographical Distribution and Prevalence of Podoconiosis in Rwanda: A Cross-Sectional Country-wide Survey. Deribe K, Mbituyumuremyi A, Cano J, Mbonigaba JB, Giorgi E, Ruberanziza E, Bayisenge U, Leonard U, Bikorimana JP, Rucogoza A, Turate I, Rusanganwa A, Pigott DM, Pullan RL, Noor AM, Enquselassie F, Condo JU, Murray CJL, Brooker SJ, Hay SI, Newport MJ, Davey G. Lancet Global Health (accepted March 2019).
'I should not feed such a weak woman'. Intimate partner violence among women living with podoconiosis: A qualitative study in northern Ethiopia. Tsegay G, Deribe K, Deyessa N, Addissie A, Davey G, Cooper M, Trueba M. PLoS ONE (accepted Nov 2018).
Podoconiosis pathogenesis: renewed use of an historical archive. Yardy A, Williams AT, Davey G. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2018; 112(9):417-418 doi:10.1093/trstmh/try084 (accepted September 2018).
Community Involvement in the Care of Persons Affected by Podoconiosis—A Lesson for Other Skin NTDs. Tora A, Mengiste A, Davey G, Semrau M. Tropical Medicine & Infectious Disease. 2018;3, 87; doi:10.3390/tropicalmed3030087. (accepted August 2018)
Rural Youths' Understanding of Gene x Environmental Contributors to Heritable Health Conditions: The Case of Podoconiosis in Ethiopia. Engdework K, McBride CM, Ayode D, Allen CG, Davey G, Tadele G. PLoS NTD 12(9):e0006763. journal.pntd.0006763 (accepted August 2018)
Exploring the socio-ethical dilemmas in the use of a global health archive. Holmes M, Morris I-K, Le Blond J, Williams AT, Cranna V, Davey G. Research Ethics (accepted August 2018)
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