Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) to deliver surgical training in Brighton.
The new partnership sees BSMS become a surgical training centre, offering courses in Damage Control Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery; Definitive Surgical Trauma Skills; and Surgical Training for the Austere Environment.
Training will take place in the Anatomy Laboratory at BSMS, which will receive an additional 15-body freezer, suction units, lights and more dissecting tables for the training centre.
Each year the Anatomy Laboratory trains more than 1,800 medical and allied healthcare students and receives 30 donor bodies generously donated through a willed body donation program. This partnership will double the number of donors to 60 a year.

The Anatomy Laboratory underwent extensive refurbishments during summer 2018, creating two new state-of-the-art dissection rooms. Advanced audio-visual systems were also installed, allowing the broadcast of live dissections to all parts of the room from a central demonstration area.
Commenting on the partnership, Professor Claire Smith, Head of Anatomy at BSMS, said: “I am delighted to announce this new partnership with RCS and I look forward to welcoming trainees in the lab over the next year. I am really excited that BSMS will become a surgical training centre through this partnership, which represents an exciting new development for the medical school and for trainees in the South of England.”
Details of the new courses offered by BSMS are available online.
Damage Control Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery >
Definitive Surgical Trauma Skills >
Surgical Training for the Austere Environment >
Explore our Anatomy Laboratory by taking our virtual tour!

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