National datasets A–Z
Clinical Practice Research Datalink – CPRD
CPRD collects anonymised patient data from a network of GP practices across the UK. Primary care data are linked to a range of other health related data to provide a longitudinal, representative UK population health dataset. The data encompass 60 million patients, including 18 million currently registered patients and contains information on diagnoses, symptoms, referrals, prescriptions, test results, and patient health behaviours.
CPRD resource pack >
Community Services Dataset – CSDS
As a secondary use dataset, CSDS reuses clinical and operational data for purposes other than direct care. CSDS sets out national definitions for the extraction of data about children and adults, including: personal and demographic, social and personal circumstances, breastfeeding and nutrition, care event and screening activity, diagnosis including long-term conditions and disabilities, scored assessments. CSDS information is captured from a wide variety of publicly funded community services in England.
CSDS resource pack >
Diagnostic Imaging Dataset – DID
The DID is a central collection of detailed information about diagnostic imaging tests carried out on NHS patients, extracted from local radiology information systems and submitted monthly. It captures information about referral source and patient type, details of the test, demographic information, plus items about waiting times for each diagnostic imaging event.
For further information and a full description of each of the fields available in the DID, please see the data dictionary tab on the following webpage here >
DID resource pack >
Emergency Care Dataset – ECDS
ECDS is the national dataset for urgent and emergency care, replacing the previous Accident and Emergency Commissioning Dataset. ECDS collects information about why people attend emergency departments and the treatment they receive. The variables collected in this dataset, can be found here >
ECDS resource pack >
Hospital Episode Statistics – HES
HES is a data warehouse containing details of all admissions, outpatient appointments and A&E attendances at NHS hospitals in England. HES data covers all NHS CCGs in England.
The HES data dictionary can be found here >
HES resource pack >
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Dataset – IAPT
IAPT collects information about people in contact with adult psychological therapy services in England. The IAPT data set was developed with the IAPT programme as a patient level, output based, secondary uses dataset. Data has been collected since 2012 and is a mandatory submission for all NHS funded care, including care delivered by independent sector healthcare providers. The IAPT dataset provides a comprehensive national picture of the use of IAPT services in England and supports a variety of secondary use functions.
IAPT resource pack >
Maternity Services Dataset – MSDS
MSDS is a patient-level dataset that captures information about activity carried out by Maternity Services relating to a mother and baby, from the point of the first booked appointment until mother and baby are discharged.
MSDS resource pack >
Mental Health Services Dataset – MHSDS
MHSDS collects data from the health records of individual children, young people and adults who are in contact with mental health services. MHSDS brings together information captured on clinical systems as part of patient care. It covers not only services provided in hospitals but also outpatient clinics and in the community, where the majority of people in contact with these services are treated. It is mandatory for NHS funded care providers to submit MHSDS data.
Information on the data submitted to the MHSDS can be found here >
MHSDS resource pack >
National Cancer Registration Analysis Service – NCRAS
The National Cancer Registration Analysis Service (NCRAS) is the population-based cancer registry for England. It is responsible for collecting, quality assuring and analysing data on all patients diagnosed with a primary tumour in England.
NCRAS resource pack >
UK Biobank is a large-scale biomedical database and research resource, containing in-depth genetic and health information from half a million UK participants. It is a major national and international health resource, with the aim of improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses.
A summary of all the information gathered and available for research via UK Biobank can be found in the Data Showcase tab here >
UK Biobank resource pack >