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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Meet the SPICES team

Meet our SPICES team

BSMS > Research > Primary care and public health > SPICES > Meet our SPICES team


Harm Van Marwijk2

Professor Harm van Marwijk

Professor Harm van Marwijk is Head of the Department of Primary Care and Public Health and Professor in General Practice at BSMS and a sessional GP. He focuses on improving connections in care, in teaching and research, and on engaging communities. He has been widely involved in teaching postgraduate and undergraduate medicine. He has co-authored 255 papers in PubMed, with H-Indexes for Web of Science 40, Scopus 43, and Google Scholar 57. 

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Liz Ford June 2017

Dr Elizabeth Ford 
Associate Professor in Health Data Science 

Dr Elizabeth Ford is a Reader in Health Data Science. After studying for an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Oxford University, Elizabeth completed a DPhil in clinical health psychology at the University of Sussex. Elizabeth has held postdoctoral positions at University of Sussex, Barts and the London Medical School, and at SHORE-C in BSMS. Her research focuses on mental health and dementia in primary care and community settings, with a focus on novel methods for using electronic health data such as patient records.

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Imogen Rogers

Dr Imogen Rogers  
Research Fellow

Dr Imogen Rogers is a Research Fellow in Health Services. After completing an undergraduate in Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, before completing an MSc in Human Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Aberdeen. She then spent 13 years as part of the nutrition team working on the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children at the University of Bristol, where she completed her PhD.  Imogen joined the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Brighton as a senior lecturer in Human Nutrition. After a move to New York she worked for Willis Towers Watson as a data scientist.

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Kat Frere Smith headshot

Kat Frere-Smith
Research Assistant

Kat Frere-Smith works on several medical research projects at BSMS and for the University of Kent, as both a qualified health coach and a research assistant. She has always been interested in health and worked in hospital pharmacy for 3 years, before deciding to train as a health coach. Her own personal experience of illness led to Kat wanting to study nutrition and how our lifestyles can help restore and maintain health.Kat recently set up an organisation called ‘Food Detectives’ which works with local primary schools and aims to inspire kids, support adults and encourage all to enjoy healthy foods.She is a member of the UK Health Coaches Association and works with people, helping them take back control of their body and their life and find a way to feel their best.

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Rob at Watkins Glen Park

Robert Dickinson
Research Assistant

Robert Dickinson is an international relations, geography, international development, and policy professional with six years professional and six years academic experience in research, management, teaching, communication, and project management/administration. He is currently leading the African Cabinet and Political Elite Data project, assisting the SPICES project, and researching how the Trump Administration may fit into historical patterns of neoliberalism as a candidate for a PhD in International Relations.

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